Overall i found this part of the assignment quite enjoyable, i really liked having a guide line of what was needed but also being able to do, as a group, what we wanted, within reason of course.
I was a little disappointed that the module had two assignments involved as i felt that there wasn't enough time to complete the models to a high standard, so instead I fell that we were pressured into completed two reasonable standard models instead of one extremely high standard model. The time restraints were not helped by my other modules also being quite time consuming.
I am very happy that I found that although I lack skill in modelling and animating I was able to be of help to my group by being quite good at texturing models and finding textures that go well together. So although I did make some models I feel I have learnt something about myself in the fact that I am a very good texturer.
We, like any group, ran into a few problems along the way whilst making the final animation, these included things such as realising we wouldn't be able to finish in time for the normal dead line and therefore had to ask for our first extension, having issues with the lighting system that causes problems with the look of the model, giving it an almost speckled look, problems with the blue prints not matching up correctly and even not being able to render properly due to the university computers not having the rayfire plug in that we required.
I wish I had had the time to complete my head model to a better standard but unfortunately because of the time we were given I had to cut my losses as such and work as hard as possible to get the rest of this assignment and my other assignments finished.
If I was to do this again I would try to improve upon not only my head model but also the little things within the guildhall that we wanted to include but didnt realise we hadnt until everything was rendered and we didnt have time to re- render it or because we didnt have time to put them in. Things such as not including the map of Finchingfield on the museum floor, not having any book covers, there being nothing in the display tables within the museum etc.
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